Friday, September 16, 2005

History of Kebayarobics

Ok you have heard the part on how it started...and what Simei Briskwalking Group what has kebayarobics got to do with Simei Briskwalking Group.

The obvious reason is Mdm Kartini. She started the Simei Briskwalking Group and now she is itching for new challenges that she began to think. The Simei Briskwalking Group often do their briskwalking twice in a week and Mdm Kartini felt that more should be done. The amount of food that these women take in does not measure up to the exercise they did.

The singapore workout, which was the nation sport aerobics was introduced at that time that Mdm Kartini encouraged the women to learn the steps and constantly exercise besides doing the normal briskwalking. She even try to find a suitable aerobics instructor to teach these woman to do proper exercises at a very cheap price at the park. So the women now not only did briskwalking but aerobics.

As time goes by, these women in Simei Briskwalking Group not only enjoy doing sports and looking forward to meet friends, they were keen to learn just about anything. Bare in mind most of these women aging from late 20s to 60s do not speak English and were previously not keen in learning anything new. This was because language was a barrier.

Neverthless with Madam Kartini's encouragement and confidence the women in the group, was up to learning anything. One of the many was taking up English lessons, Computer lessons,Healthy Cooking lessons, listening to health talks, become ushers, give talks and organize for events.

But that was just not enough. Mdm Kartinin felt although the women were exposed to other activities, health wise they arent. She encourage them on cycling and swimming by getting the location or any thing that it needs. But that was not enough. She thought really hard...and that cause kebayarobics to be invented. So Mdm Kartini got the people in Simei Briskwalking group to learn by cheographing the kebayarobics step with the instuctor. She felt it was a good way to make the girls work their body, she had enough of listening to the woman complain about no time and embarass wearing t-shirt as they reflect on their fats. So kebayarobics was the idea she thought and she develop with the instructor as mentioned.The girls learn by heart. And madam Kartini get classes for these girls to teach kebayarobics to launch kebayarobics in great masses. The Simei Briskwalkign group perform kebayarobics in many invited or sports events and even have classes for people to register and learn.


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